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정보처리기능사 필기#19 - 전산영어 본문


정보처리기능사 필기#19 - 전산영어

도드! 2016. 3. 26. 19:23

정보처리기능사 필기 요점정리#19 - 전산영어

1. 전산영어

- 정보처리 기능사 전산영어 파트 이거 어떻게 공부해야할지 시작해야할지 감이 좀 안오는데.. 이거 그냥 영어로 전에 배웠던거 또배운다고 보면된다. -_- 출제문제들을 보면 역시나 핵심개념과 핵심단어싸움이다.

2. CPU

- Primary Memory(주기억) + Control Unit(제어) + Arithmetical Logic Unit(연산)

- Process : Primary Memory(주기억) + Arithmetical Logic Unit(연산)

3. Magnetic Disk

- Number of Track (트랙의 수) = Number of Cylinder (실린더의 수)

- Number of available side of disks (사용가능한 디스크 면의 수) = number of disks (디스크의 수) x 2 - 2

4. Access Time

- Delays between Disk ~ Memory.

- Seek Time + Rotation Latency Time + Transfer Time

5. Format

- Disk must be divided into sectors!

5. OS

- Intermediary Promgram

6. Throughput

- How much work can you handle in given time.

7. Supervisory Program

- Commune with Operator (I/O) / Scheduling(Managing flow of programs) / Load Programs

8. Processing Program

- Problem / Translate / Service

9. Translators

- Assembler / Interpreter / Compiler

10. Bootstrap

- Starting Computer, bringing OS from disk

11. Config.sys

- Setting configures for various devices

12. PNP, Plug and Play

- out side hardwares will be noticed and automatically install to computer

13. Scandisk.exe

- fix errors

14. UNIX

- important 3 things : kernel, shell(interpreter), file system

- C language

- fork command : creating new process

15. Interrupt

- suspend, call special handler, resume

16. Scheduler

- Allocates CPU to processes

17. Batch Processing

- Collects and stacks... after that process them all later.

18. Real-Time Processing

- FAST, short time, Multi-user, deadline.

19. Time Sharing Processing

- user can interface directly, limited amount of CPU Time

20. Mutual Exclusion

- Prevents simultaneous access to a shared resource (Protect variables, Restrict shared memory)

21. Context Switch

- Save current process and Run other process

22. Dead Lock

- Two or more processes are waiting each others to finish

23. Deadlock Prevention

- Preventing deadlock, 3 major measures : prevention, avoidance, detect&recover

24. Virtual Memory

- Scheme that make you can run program that uses larger memory than physical memory you have.

The bright little spark is in my heart
